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Otherwise, to make use of copyrighted (not free license) works we need a written permission from you, to be sent to permissions-itwikimediaorg. If you think this last permission is comprensive of your work too, please e-mail me. In particular, in DSS/SSS permission is included the work taken from Schmidt Telescope. Theese are the obtained permissions from California Institute of Technology (POSS-II) and Royal Observatory Edinburgh (original e-mail, in english): So far we have obtained permission both from California Institute of Technology and from Royal Observatory Edinburgh now we need only your permission (for "Second Epoch Survey") for using wikisky's images. In this page are the surveys used to obtain wikisky's images. We are trying to obtain the permission to use the sky images available on () in order to explain deep-sky objects, in particular the GMCs in Milky Way Galaxy. I'm Roberto Mura, Sysop and Bureaucrat on it. I am happy for your to add my name to the permission statement below. Re: Request for using "Second Epoch Survey" on Wikipedia‏ĭa: Fred Watson lunedì 12 ottobre 2009 3.28.02 > Melos (it.wikipedia sysop and OTRS teem volunteer) > Technology for the usage of the STScI DSS (POSS2) > So far we have obtained the permission from the California Institute of > same email to the institutes who retain the copyright holder of the > sent to Wikisky an email to have this permission, and they have sent the > need a permission to be sent to us by the copyright holder. To make use of copyrighted (not free license) works we > celestial objects, in particular the GMCs in Milky Way Galaxy and some > in order to provide a better explaination of > possibility to use the all-sky image available at the site > This request started because we (Wikipedia) would like to have the With permission from the Royal Observatory Edinburgh." The UK and the Anglo-Australian Telescope Board) and the Southern Sky SurveyĪs created by the SuperCOSMOS measuring machine and are reproduced here Southern sky images) as measured on SuperCOSMOS. We are happy to grant you permission to use images from the UKST (i.e. NASA, and are reproduced here with permission from the Royal Observatory The UK and the Anglo-Australian Telescope Board) and the Digitized Sky SurveyĬreated by the Space Telescope Science Institute, operated by AURA, Inc, for Which is owned by the Science and Technology Facilities Council of "Use of these images is courtesy of the UK Schmidt Telescope (copyright in Quality from some of these images than from the DSS. Give you permission to use these images but the acknowledgement would be You might also wish to check the images from the "Southern Sky Survey" The acknowledgement (given below) to be inserted at some suitable place. There will be no charge for this but we would like We are happy to grant you permission to use DSS images from the UKST (i.e.

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