
Monster wow 4.3.4 zip
Monster wow 4.3.4 zip

If you try to enable more they will be automatically replaced. Now you can track up to 10 NPCs at the same time, so you can enable 10 different spawning spots in your worldmap (they will appear with different colours). Fixed issue#178: Added missing mount IDs. The old panel didn't support multi characters. Allows you to filter NPCs in an easier way and toggle filters by missing collections with a simple click. Display information about these NPCs (missing achievements, map position and missing loot). Browsing NPCs by missing collectibles (containers will come in the future). It replaces the old "filter by collections panel" that appeared under RareScanner options. Fixed issue#181: RareScanner comes with a version of Krowi_WorldMapButtons-1.0 that includes a fix to avoid taint issues, however, if you are using other addons that uses the same library, it might launch LUA errors depending on which addon was loaded first. Updated simplified chinese localizations (thanks to Ananhaid). Fixed how RareScanner calculates the current FPS used in the routines procedures (check if the global variable targetFPS has a proper value and call the right method GetFramerate instead of GetFrameRate). Fixed issue#182: Now the mount scanner analyzes all the sources instead of drop, this was skiping several mounts that are tagged with wrong sources. Now the text that appears when a new scan is required, is displayed in 2 lines. Fixed the link to the options panel from the minimap button, now it actually takes you to the RareScanner options panel. Fixed a LUA error when adding a new collectible without having opened the explorer for that session. Fixed issue#184: Removed Vial of Roiling Emotions from the loot table of Manifestation of Wrath. Fixed issue#185: Fixed a LUA error when adding a custom NPC with spawning spots. This was an error introduced with 9.1.6 where the internal format of coordinates used by the addon was converted from strings to numbers, dropping by mistake leading zeros and producing this error. Fixed an issue where entities that appear close to the edges of the map were shown in a wrong position (for example Mrrklr). Updaded russian localizations (thanks to dartraiden). Added the item source "quest" to the appearances scanner, it wasn't taking into account several appearances that are dropped in Darkshore. Partially fixed issue#188: Fixed the filter to hide Anima items, it wasn't working anymore since 9.1.5 Fixed issue#189: Fixed a LUA error when trying to access a map with custom NPCs added before 9.1.6 without coordinates.

Monster wow 4.3.4 zip Patch#

This should be the last patch before 9.2. All these little changes should fix FPS dropping issues that some players were having under certain circumstances. Added multiple tweaks to improve performance while showing icons in the minimap. Fixed the calculation of the reset timer in warfront areas (Darkshore and Arathi Highlands). Fixed issue#188: The filter to hide items that you cannot wear wasn't filtering cloth items.

Monster wow 4.3.4 zip